Matthew Reid, better known by his stage name Manga Saint Hilare is an independent British artist and MOBO award nominee of St Lucian and St Vincent heritage.
His musical history is well-documented. He played a part in Grime’s development as a member of pioneering crew Roll Deep, a group with which he earned 2 UK No.1 hits. Since going solo, Manga has unapologetically developed his artistic style as an MC, a designer and a media personality.
Growth and introspection are common themes in his thought-provoking lyrics. He’s a storyteller. He talks vulnerably of the relatable trials in everyday life with cold hard facts and perfectly balances them with humour and lighthearted fun. He’s a true wordsmith.
Manga Saint Hilare performs live with as much heart as he writes. He consistently provides high energy & high-quality performances, delivered in an energetic and captivating fashion.