US electronic musician TOKYO ROSE embarked on their journey in 2014, swiftly gaining recognition with the release of the Outrun EP “Chases.” Known as the “Beast of Outrun,” they emerged as a pioneer of the Synthwave genre. In collaboration with ALEX, they significantly shaped the “Darkwave” scene through their critically acclaimed albums “Akuma” and “Akuma II,” both of which achieved impressive rankings on Billboard and Bandcamp charts. Their debut LP, “The Chase: Last Run,” further solidified their success.
TOKYO ROSE’s music has made notable appearances in popular media, including Rocket League, CSI: Las Vegas, and many indie games and films. With an iconic character and an influential sound, TOKYO ROSE continues to captivate audiences. Now, with a mesmerizing new persona, they are boldly venturing into uncharted musical territories, pushing the boundaries of their craft.