Ngah Rinyu Rinyu was born in Koutaba in West Region of Cameroon on February 8th 1997. Her father who was in the Cameroonian Army died during her tender years, leaving her mother to raise her and 5 other Siblings as a single parent. She attended primary education in Sapienta Foumbot and later moved to Bamenda with her siblings and mother who is a pastor. She attended GBHS downtown in Bamenda and went on to complete High school there.
She had been singing from 9 when she got to Bamenda but her highlight came later in form 5 in secondary school when she represented her school music clubs in regional events around the Bamenda municipality. She later joined an NGO catering for underprivileged kids called Mother of Hope Cameroon (MOHCAM) as a performer, entertaining and encouraging orphans with music. These experiences forged her into fine performer and lyricist.
After high school, she moved to Dchang for Higher education at the University of Dchang, studying English modern letters. She was involved in Gospel musical concerts there in Dchang and was decorated with talent show awards there. She graduated and moved to Yaoundé in 2016 were she currently pursues a career music. In 2018 the Afro Jazz and World Music label Akumba Music, spotted her at a music festival in Yaoundé. Akumba Music will go on to sign her in February 2019.
She currently has recorded and performed Friendzone, Controller, Dreamy Eyes, Chakara Love and a 17 track Album - Black Girl Magic.