ME ALONE by Eagle
Is a unique song that everyone can be related to in many different ways. I right this song one day when I was in a depressing mood. I feel all alone back into a corner with no one to call to my rescue, But God always have my back and it turn out to be a wonderful thing in the end.
I take the time to fix my life by thinking about what I am not doing right and that make a big difference in my life it helps me to find myself in many different ways, so I decide to share all that experience in this power song.
My name is Keron Russell aka Eagle, I’m a dancehall artist from Jamaica. I was born in Frazer's Content, a little district in Spanish Town St. Catherine Jamaica. My hobbies are playing football, dominoes, writing music and being around my family and friends.
Growing up in the community I have been inspired listening to artists like Bounty Killer, singing songs like “poor people fed up”, “book, book, book” and many other inspiring songs that have motivated me to start my quest in music.
My aim as a young artist is to elevate people who are living in volatile and unstructured communities. People that need help, motivation, and encouragement and especially people that are facing the long stem of this deadly disease we know as poverty.
I am just asking for a chance to spread my message throughout Jamaica and the world. That in 5-10 years from now my music will still have a good impact and positive influence on people lives.