Sarith and Surith, born on December 11th, 2000, began their musical career by winning the championship of "Poddanta Puluwan," a national televised music competition. Since then, they have showcased their musical talent across the island and overseas, collaborating with many popular local bands and representing their country in international events such as the Vietnam ABU TV Song Festival and the Indian Philharmonic Festival. Their performances at national events, including the CHOGM Summit, are also noteworthy.
They have won numerous inter-school and national competitions while simultaneously completing their Grade 8 exams in both theory and practicals of Trinity College of Music. Additionally, they have obtained an Audio Engineering diploma with the renowned music producer Ranga Dassanayake and Music Oven.
Despite their growing and busy music career, the twin brothers excelled academically and completed their school education with flying colours. Currently, they are pursuing higher studies in Fashion Design and Interior Design while still devoting time to their passion for music.