Azim Ousman (born March 14, 1990) is a Sri Lankan singer, song writer and an electronic dance music producer. In October 2017, his song "Take Me Tonight" got nominated for the Yes Home Grown Awards under the category of Best Electronica Track. He is also working on his studio album.
Azim had his mind set on this industry since he was 13. He wanted to use his talents and with the green light from his parents and family, his life slowly started to evolve into a complete melody. The songs were mediocre but through trial and error and many software’s later, the mini dummy tracks got better and much much better. Being an only child gave him the opportunity to spend endless hours on this with never-deterring encouragement. The discovery of different styles of music and musical options gave Azim a wider range to work with and he used all that knowledge and experimentation to lead him down a prosperous path of composition.