It's not until 2021 that Tanny Ng (Nguyễn Bá Tân) started to compose and produce his own music. Pandemic hit like a sledgehammer and left the young tanny alone during lockdown, when he composed and produced his own two back to back albums “is it 2 a.m at your place?” and “amber’s playlist” in 2022, and later on his debut EP "glad you came, i'm sorry" by spring of 2023.
“I guess my music has always been defined through the means of experimentation and artistic demonstration. It’s only recently when I realized I need to showcase a more developed sense of music that I gather from everything I have been making”. Tanny Ng shares.
Tanny Ng has consistently embraced a spirit of musical experimentation throughout his career. From his early days of exploration to his current endeavors, he has always sought to push the boundaries of his sound. He is not afraid to challenge conventional norms and blend various musical elements to create a unique and refreshing sound. His love for experimentation allows him to create music that is both sonically intriguing and emotionally resonant. With his upcoming single "two of us," Tanny showcases a newfound maturity in his musical expression.