John Saviours Udomboso, fondly known as Young Jonn "The Wicked Producer" is an award winning Afro-pop producer, singer/songwriter. Dubbed the Sound of the Streets, "Young Jonn" is the head huncho and musical genius behind some of the most memorable Artists that own the streets in the Street-Hop or Pop genre. With over 3 awards in some of the prestigious Awards in Nigeria, Young Jonn's sound, lyrics and beats have broken several legendary Artists on the Nigerian music scene since the mid-2000s. Young Jonn's credits have established him as one of the most iconic producers in the last 10 years. Young Jonn signed an Artist Recording Agreement with Nigeria's foremost record label, Chocolate City with the aim to transition from being a producer to a Recording Artist. His first project Love Is Not Enough was released in the April 2022.