Rosa Luini, known professionally as Rose Villain, is an Italian singer-songwriter. Villain first achieved popularity in 2016, thanks to the platinum certified single "Don Medellín" together with Italian rapper Salmo and then, in 2020, with the quadruple platinum certified single "Chico", together with Italian rapper Guè Pequeno. In 2021, she collaborated once again with Guè Pequeno on the songs "Elvis" and "Piango sulla Lambo". In 2022, her single "Michelle Pfeiffer" with Tony Effe was certified platinum. Furthermore, Villain signed a deal with the Italian hip hop label Machete Empire Records and also signed a record deal with Republic Records.
On 20 January 2023, Villain released her first studio album, Radio Gotham which was certified platinum by FIMI. The album contains the singles "Michelle Pfeiffer" and "Lamette", as well as the double platinum song "Fantasmi". In 2023, she also collaborated with Achille Lauro on the triple platinum certified single "Fragole". In 2024, she competed for the first time at the Sanremo Music Festival with the track "Click Boom!", ahead of the release of her second studio album Radio Sakura on 8 March 2024.
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