Rising from the heart of the UK underground scene Sonic Species (Joe Markendale) has earned his place as a leading DJ & producer of electronic music. With a legacy spanning more than 15 years, he continues to command respect and captivate audiences at the world’s most prestigious events - pushing musical boundaries & crafting electrifying performances which transform his listeners long after the beat stops. When not on the road, he works non-stop in the studio generating the musical life-force that fuels his mission.
As the world of dance music evolves, Sonic Species embarks on an exciting new era, joining forces with Shamanic Tales - a label forged in the fires of creative exploration and helmed by none other than Astrix. This partnership marks a momentous chapter in Sonic Species’ musical journey, a chapter laden with fresh innovation, in which his pursuit of the ultimate dance floor experience remains sacred.
With over half a million followers world-wide, Sonic Species is living testament to the transformative power of music - his life is a soundtrack. A true disciple of the psychedelic creed, his uncompromisingly powerful tracks continue to unite music-lovers from all backgrounds - changing lives on the dance floor and beyond.